Lagersystem Pipe ID 1.20.1: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 5.352: Zeile 5.352:
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|Entrindeter Kirschstamm
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|Entrindetes Kirscholz
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Version vom 14. August 2023, 11:42 Uhr

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Item Deutsch Item Englisch Mincraft ID Unsere ID
Akazienholzboot Acacia Booat acacia_boat %ID1%
Akazienholzknopf Acacia Button acacia_button %ID2%
Akazientür Acacia Door acacia_door %ID3%
Akazienholzzaun Acacia Fence acacia_fence %ID4%
Akazienholzzauntor Acacia Fence Gate acacia_fence_gate %ID5%
Akazienlaub Acacia Leaves acacia_leaves %ID6%
Akazienstamm Acacia Log acacia_log %ID7%
Akazienholzbretter Acacia Wood Plank acacia_planks %ID8%
Akazienholzdruckplatte Acacia Pressure Plate acacia_pressure_plate %ID9%
Akaziensetzling Acacia Sapling acacia_sapling %ID10%
Akazienholzschild Acacia Sign acacia_sign %ID11%
Akazienholzstufe Acacia Wood Slab acacia_slab %ID12%
Akazienholztreppe Acacia Wood Stairs acacia_stairs %ID13%
Akazienholzfalltür Acacia Trapdoor acacia_trapdoor %ID14%
Akazienholz Acacia Wood acacia_wood %ID15%
Aktivierungsschiene Activator Rails activator_rail %ID16%
Filler - - %ID17%
Zierlauch Allium allium %ID18%
Andesit Andesite andesite %ID19%
Andesitstufe Andesite Slab andesite_slab %ID20%
Andesittreppe Andesite Stairs andesite_stairs %ID21%
Andesitmauer Andesite Wall andesite_wall %ID22%
Amboss Anvil anvil %ID23%
Apfel Apple apple %ID24%
Rüstungsständer Armor Stand armor_stand %ID25%
Pfeil Arrow arrow %ID26%
Porzellansternchen Azure Bluet azure_bluet %ID27%
Ofenkartoffel Baked Potato baked_potato %ID28%
Bambus Bamboo bamboo %ID29%
Fass Barrel barrel %ID30%
Barriere Barrier barrier %ID31%
Leuchtfeuer Beacon beacon %ID32%
Rohes Rindfleisch Raw Beef beef %ID33%
Rote Bete Beetroot beetroot %ID34%
Rote Bete Samen Beetroot Seeds beetroot_seeds %ID35%
Borschtsch Beetroot Soup beetroot_soup %ID36%
Glocke Bell bell %ID37%
Birkenholzboot Birch Boat birch_boat %ID38%
Birkenholzknopf Birch Button birch_button %ID39%
Birkenholztür Birch Door birch_door %ID40%
Birkenholzzaun Birch Fence birch_fence %ID41%
Birkenholzzauntor Birch Fence Gate birch_fence_gate %ID42%
Birkenlaub Birch Leaves birch_leaves %ID43%
Birkenstamm Birch Log birch_log %ID44%
Birkenholzbretter Birch Wood Plank birch_planks %ID45%
Birkenholzdruckplatte Birch Pressure Plate birch_pressure_plate %ID46%
Birkensetzling Birch Sapling birch_sapling %ID47%
Birkenholzschild Birch Sign birch_sign %ID48%
Birkenholzstufe Birch Wood Slab birch_slab %ID49%
Birkenholztreppe Birch Wood Stairs birch_stairs %ID50%
Birkenholzfalltür Birch Trapdoor birch_trapdoor %ID51%
Birkenholz Birch Wood birch_wood %ID52%
Schwarzes Banner Black Banner black_banner %ID53%
Schwarzes Bett Black Bed black_bed %ID54%
Schwarzer Teppich Black Carpet black_carpet %ID55%
Schwarzer Beton Black Concrete black_concrete %ID56%
Schwarzer Trockenbeton Black Concrete Powder black_concrete_powder %ID57%
Schwarzer Farbstoff Black Dye black_dye %ID58%
Schwarze glasierte Keramik Black Glazed Terracotta black_glazed_terracotta %ID59%
Schwarze Shulkerkiste Black Shulker Box black_shulker_box %ID60%
Schwarzes Glas Black Stained Glass black_stained_glass %ID61%
Schwarze Glasscheibe Black Stained Glass Pane black_stained_glass_pane %ID62%
Schwarze Keramik Black Terracotta black_terracotta %ID63%
Schwarze Wolle Black Wool black_wool %ID64%
Schmelzofen Blast Furnace blast_furnace %ID65%
Lohenstaub Blaze Powder blaze_powder %ID66%
Lohenrute Blaze Rod blaze_rod %ID67%
Blaues Banner Blue Banner blue_banner %ID68%
Blaues Bett Blue Bed blue_bed %ID69%
Blauer Teppich Blue Carpet blue_carpet %ID70%
Blauer Beton Blue Concrete blue_concrete %ID71%
Blauer Trockenbeton Blue Concrete Powder blue_concrete_powder %ID72%
Blauer Farbstoff Blue Dye blue_dye %ID73%
Blau glasierte Keramik Blue Glazed Terracotta blue_glazed_terracotta %ID74%
Blaueis Blue Ice blue_ice %ID75%
Blaue Orchidee Blue Orchid blue_orchid %ID76%
Blaue Shulkerkiste Blue Shulker Box blue_shulker_box %ID77%
Blaues Glas Blue Stained Glass blue_stained_glass %ID78%
Blaue Glasscheibe Blue Stained Glass Pane blue_stained_glass_pane %ID79%
Blaue Keramik Blue Terracotta blue_terracotta %ID80%
Blaue Wolle Blue Wool blue_wool %ID81%
Knochen Bone bone %ID82%
Knochenblock Bone Block bone_block %ID83%
Knochenmehl Bone Meal bone_meal %ID84%
Buch Book book %ID85%
Bücherregal Bookshelf bookshelf %ID86%
Schüssel Bowl bowl %ID87%
Hirnkoralle Brain Coral brain_coral %ID88%
Hirnkorallenblock Brain Coral Block brain_coral_block %ID89%
Hirnkorallenfächer Brain Coral Fan brain_coral_fan %ID90%
Brot Bread bread %ID91%
Braustand Brewing Stand brewing_stand %ID92%
Ziegel Brick brick %ID93%
Ziegelsteinstufe Brick Slab brick_slab %ID94%
Ziegelsteintreppe Brick Stairs brick_stairs %ID95%
Ziegelsteinmauer Brick Wall brick_wall %ID96%
Ziegelstein Bricks bricks %ID97%
Braunes Banner Brown Banner brown_banner %ID98%
Braunes Bett Brown Bed brown_bed %ID99%
Brauner Teppich Brown Carpet brown_carpet %ID100%
Brauner Beton Brown Concrete brown_concrete %ID101%
Brauner Trockenbeton Brown Concrete Powder brown_concrete_powder %ID102%
Brauner Farbstoff Brown Dye brown_dye %ID103%
Braun glasierte Keramik Brown Glazed Terracotta brown_glazed_terracotta %ID104%
Brauner Pilz Mushroom brown brown_mushroom %ID105%
Brauner Pilzblock Brown Mushroom Block brown_mushroom_block %ID106%
Braune Shulkerkiste Brown Shulker Box brown_shulker_box %ID107%
Braunes Glas Brown Stained Glass brown_stained_glass %ID108%
Braune Glasscheibe Brown Stained Glass Pane brown_stained_glass_pane %ID109%
Braune Keramik Brown Terracotta brown_terracotta %ID110%
Braune Wolle Brown Wool brown_wool %ID111%
Blasenkoralle Bubble Coral bubble_coral %ID112%
Blasenkorallenblock Bubble Coral Block bubble_coral_block %ID113%
Blasenkorallenfächer Bubble Coral Fan bubble_coral_fan %ID114%
Eimer Bucket bucket %ID115%
Kaktus Cactus cactus %ID116%
Kuchen Cake cake %ID117%
Lagerfeuer Campfire campfire %ID118%
Karotte Carrot carrot %ID119%
Karottenrute Carrot on a Stick carrot_on_a_stick %ID120%
Kartentisch Cartography Table cartography_table %ID121%
Geschnitzter Kürbis Carved Pumpkin carved_pumpkin %ID122%
Kessel Cauldron cauldron %ID123%
Kettenstiefel Chain Boots chainmail_boots %ID124%
Kettenhemd Chain Chestplate chainmail_chestplate %ID125%
Kettenhaube Chain Helmet chainmail_helmet %ID126%
Kettenhose Chain Leggings chainmail_leggings %ID127%
Holzkohle Charcoal charcoal %ID128%
Truhe Chest chest %ID129%
Güterlore Minecart with Chest chest_minecart %ID130%
Rohes Hühnchen Raw Chicken chicken %ID131%
Huhn-Spawn-Ei Chicken Spawn Egg chicken_spawn_egg %ID132%
Angeschlagener Amboss Slightly Damaged Anvil chipped_anvil %ID133%
Gemeißelter Quartzblock Chiseled Quartz Block chiseled_quartz_block %ID134%
Gemeißelter roter Sandstein Chiseled Red Sandstone chiseled_red_sandstone %ID135%
Gemeißelter Sandstein Chiseled Sandstone chiseled_sandstone %ID136%
Gemeißelte Steinziegel Chiseled Stone Bricks chiseled_stone_bricks %ID137%
Chorusblüte Chorus Flower chorus_flower %ID138%
Chorusfrucht Chorus Fruit chorus_fruit %ID139%
Ton Clay Block clay %ID140%
Tonklumpen Clay clay_ball %ID141%
Uhr Clock clock %ID142%
Kohle Coal coal %ID143%
Kohleblock Coal Block coal_block %ID144%
Steinkohle Coal Ore coal_ore %ID145%
Grobe Erde Coarse Dirt coarse_dirt %ID146%
Bruchstein Cobblestone cobblestone %ID147%
Bruchsteinstufe Cobblestone Slab cobblestone_slab %ID148%
Bruchsteintreppe Cobblestone Stairs cobblestone_stairs %ID149%
Bruchsteinmauer Cobblestone Wall cobblestone_wall %ID150%
Spinnennetz Cobweb cobweb %ID151%
Kakaobohnen Cocoa Beans cocoa_beans %ID152%
Roher Kabeljau Raw Cod cod %ID153%
Kabeljaueimer Bucket of Cod cod_bucket %ID154%
Redstone-komparator Redstone Comparator comparator %ID155%
Kompass Compass compass %ID156%
Komposter Composter composter %ID157%
Aquisator Conduit conduit %ID158%
Steak Steak cooked_beef %ID159%
Gebratenes Hühnchen Cooked Chicken cooked_chicken %ID160%
Gebratener Kabeljau Cooked Cod cooked_cod %ID161%
Gebratenes Hammelfleisch Cooked Mutton cooked_mutton %ID162%
Gebratenes Schweinefleisch Cooked Porkchop cooked_porkchop %ID163%
Gebratenes Kaninchen Cooked Rabbit cooked_rabbit %ID164%
Gebratener Lachs Cooked Salmon cooked_salmon %ID165%
Keks Cookie cookie %ID166%
Kornblume Cornflower cornflower %ID167%
Kuh-Spawn-Ei Cow Spawn Egg cow_spawn_egg %ID168%
Rissige Steinziegel Cracked Stone Bricks cracked_stone_bricks %ID169%
Werkbank Crafting Table crafting_table %ID170%
Creeperkopf Creeper Head creeper_head %ID171%
Armbrust Crossbow crossbow %ID172%
Geschnittener roter Sandstein Cut Red Sandstone cut_red_sandstone %ID173%
Geschnittener Sandstein Cut Sandstone cut_sandstone %ID174%
Türkises Banner Cyan Banner cyan_banner %ID175%
Türkises bett Cyan Bed cyan_bed %ID176%
Türkiser Teppich Cyan Carpet cyan_carpet %ID177%
Türkiser Beton Cyan Concrete cyan_concrete %ID178%
Türkiser Trockenbeton Cyan Concrete Powder cyan_concrete_powder %ID179%
Türkiser Farbstoff Cyan Dye cyan_dye %ID180%
Türkis glasierte Keramik Cyan Glazed Terracotta cyan_glazed_terracotta %ID181%
Türkise Shulkerkiste Cyan Shulker Box cyan_shulker_box %ID182%
Türkises Glas Cyan Stained Glass cyan_stained_glass %ID183%
Türkise Glasscheibe Cyan Stained Glass Pane cyan_stained_glass_pane %ID184%
Türkise Keramik Cyan Terracotta cyan_terracotta %ID185%
Türkise Wolle Cyan Wool cyan_wool %ID186%
Stark beschädigter Amboss Very Damaged Anvil damaged_anvil %ID187%
Löwenzahn Dandelion dandelion %ID188%
Schwarzeichenholzboot Dark Oak Boat dark_oak_boat %ID189%
Schwarzeichenholzknopf Dark Oak Button dark_oak_button %ID190%
Schwarzeichenholztür Dark Oak Door dark_oak_door %ID191%
Schwarzeichenholzzaun Dark Oak Fence dark_oak_fence %ID192%
Schwarzeichenholzzauntor Dark Oak Fence Gate dark_oak_fence_gate %ID193%
Schwarzeichenlaub Dark Oak Leaves dark_oak_leaves %ID194%
Schwarzeichenstamm Dark Oak Log dark_oak_log %ID195%
Schwarzeichenholzbretter Dark Oak Wood Plank dark_oak_planks %ID196%
Schwarzeichenholzdruckplatte Dark Oak Pressure Plate dark_oak_pressure_plate %ID197%
Schwarzeichensetzling Dark Oak Sapling dark_oak_sapling %ID198%
Schwarzeichenholzschild Dark Oak Sign dark_oak_sign %ID199%
Schwarzeichenholzstufe Dark Oak Wood Slab dark_oak_slab %ID200%
Schwarzeichenholztreppe Dark Oak Wood Stairs dark_oak_stairs %ID201%
Schwarzeichenholzfalltür Dark Oak Trapdoor dark_oak_trapdoor %ID202%
Schwarzeichenholz Dark Oak Wood dark_oak_wood %ID203%
Dunkler Prismarin Dark Prismarine dark_prismarine %ID204%
Dunkle Prismarinstufe Dark Prismarine Slab dark_prismarine_slab %ID205%
Dunkle Prismarintreppe Dark Prismarine Stairs dark_prismarine_stairs %ID206%
Tageslichtsensor Daylight Sensor daylight_detector %ID207%
Abgestorbene Hirnkoralle Dead Brain Coral dead_brain_coral %ID208%
Abgestorbener Hirnkorallenblock Dead Brain Coral Block dead_brain_coral_block %ID209%
Abgestorbener Hirnkorallenfächer Dead Brain Coral Fan dead_brain_coral_fan %ID210%
Abgestorbene Blasenkoralle Dead Bubble Coral dead_bubble_coral %ID211%
Abgestorbener Blasenkorallenblock Dead Bubble Coral Block dead_bubble_coral_block %ID212%
Abgestorbener Blasenkorallenfächer Dead Bubble Coral Fan dead_bubble_coral_fan %ID213%
Toter Busch Dead Bush dead_bush %ID214%
Abgestorbene Feuerkoralle Dead Fire Coral dead_fire_coral %ID215%
Abgestorbener Feuerkorallenblock Dead Fire Coral Block dead_fire_coral_block %ID216%
Abgestorbener Feuerkorallenfächer Dead Fire Coral Fan dead_fire_coral_fan %ID217%
Abgestorbene Geweihkoralle Dead Horn Coral dead_horn_coral %ID218%
Abgestorbener Geweihkorallenblock Dead Horn Coral Block dead_horn_coral_block %ID219%
Abgestorbener Geweihkorallenfächer Dead Horn Coral Fan dead_horn_coral_fan %ID220%
Abgestorbene Orgelkoralle Dead Tube Coral dead_tube_coral %ID221%
Abgestorbener Orgelkorallenblock Dead Tube Coral Block dead_tube_coral_block %ID222%
Abgestorbener Orgelkorallenfächer Dead Tube Coral Fan dead_tube_coral_fan %ID223%
Sensorschiene Detector Rails detector_rail %ID224%
Diamant Diamond diamond %ID225%
Diamantaxt Diamond Axe diamond_axe %ID226%
Diamantblock Block of Diamond diamond_block %ID227%
Diamantstiefel Diamond Boots diamond_boots %ID228%
Diamantharnisch Diamond Chestplate diamond_chestplate %ID229%
Diamanthelm Diamond Helmet diamond_helmet %ID230%
Diamanthacke Diamond Hoe diamond_hoe %ID231%
Diamantener Rossharnisch Diamond Horse Armor diamond_horse_armor %ID232%
Diamantbeinschutz Diamond Leggings diamond_leggings %ID233%
Diamanterz Diamond Ore diamond_ore %ID234%
Diamantspitzhacke Diamond Pickaxe diamond_pickaxe %ID235%
Diamantschaufel Diamond Shovel diamond_shovel %ID236%
Diamantschwert Diamond Sword diamond_sword %ID237%
Diorit Diorite diorite %ID238%
Dioritstufe Diorite Slab diorite_slab %ID239%
Diorittreppe Diorite Stairs diorite_stairs %ID240%
Dioritmauer Diorite Wall diorite_wall %ID241%
Erde Dirt dirt %ID242%
Werfer Dispenser dispenser %ID243%
Delfin-Spawn-Ei Dolphin Spawn Egg dolphin_spawn_egg %ID244%
Esel-Spawn-Ei Donkey Spawn Egg donkey_spawn_egg %ID245%
Drachenatem Dragon's Breath dragon_breath %ID246%
Drachenei Dragon Egg dragon_egg %ID247%
Drachenkopf Dragon Head dragon_head %ID248%
Getrockneter Seetang Dried Kelp dried_kelp %ID249%
Getrockneter Seetangblock Dried Kelp Block dried_kelp_block %ID250%
Spender Dropper dropper %ID251%
Ei Egg egg %ID252%
Elytra Elytra elytra %ID253%
Smaragd Emerald emerald %ID254%
Smaragdblock Block of Emerald emerald_block %ID255%
Smaragderz Emerald Ore emerald_ore %ID256%
Verzauberter goldener Apfel Enchanted Golden Apple enchanted_golden_apple %ID257%
Verzauberungstisch Enchanting Table enchanting_table %ID258%
Enderkristall End Crystal end_crystal %ID259%
Endstab End Rod end_rod %ID260%
Endstein End Stone end_stone %ID261%
Endsteinziegelstufe End Stone Brick Slab end_stone_brick_slab %ID262%
Endsteinziegeltreppe End Stone Brick Stairs end_stone_brick_stairs %ID263%
Endsteinziegelmauer End Stone Brick Wall end_stone_brick_wall %ID264%
Endsteinziegel End Stone Bricks end_stone_bricks %ID265%
Endertruhe Ender Chest ender_chest %ID266%
Enderauge Eye of Ender ender_eye %ID267%
Enderperle Ender Pearl ender_pearl %ID268%
Erfahrungsfläschchen Bottle o'Enchanting experience_bottle %ID269%
Feder Feather feather %ID270%
Fermentiertes Spinnenauge Fermented Spider Eye fermented_spider_eye %ID271%
Farn Fern fern %ID272%
Feuerkugel Fire Charge fire_charge %ID273%
Feuerkoralle Fire Coral fire_coral %ID274%
Feuerkorallenblock Fire Coral Block fire_coral_block %ID275%
Feuerkorallenfächer Fire Coral Fan fire_coral_fan %ID276%
Feuerwerksrakete Firework Rocket firework_rocket %ID277%
Feuerwerksstern Firework Star firework_star %ID278%
Angel Fishing Rod fishing_rod %ID279%
Bognertisch Fletching Table fletching_table %ID280%
Feuerstein Flint flint %ID281%
Feuerzeug Flint and Steel flint_and_steel %ID282%
Blumentopf Flower Pot flower_pot %ID283%
Fuchs-Spawn-Ei Fox Spawn Egg fox_spawn_egg %ID284%
Ofen Furnace furnace %ID285%
Ofenlore Minecart with Furnace furnace_minecart %ID286%
Ghastträne Ghast Tear ghast_tear %ID287%
Glas Glass glass %ID288%
Glasflasche Glass Bottle glass_bottle %ID289%
Glasscheibe Glass Pane glass_pane %ID290%
Glitzernde Melonenscheibe Glistering Melon glistering_melon_slice %ID291%
Glowstone Glowstone glowstone %ID292%
Glowstonestaub Glowstone Dust glowstone_dust %ID293%
Goldblock Block of Gold gold_block %ID294%
Goldbarren Gold Ingot gold_ingot %ID295%
Goldklumpen Gold Nugget gold_nugget %ID296%
Golderz Gold Ore gold_ore %ID297%
Goldener Apfel Golden Apple golden_apple %ID298%
Goldaxt Golden Axe golden_axe %ID299%
Goldstiefel Golden Boots golden_boots %ID300%
Goldene Karotte Golden Carrot golden_carrot %ID301%
Goldharnisch Golden Chestplate golden_chestplate %ID302%
Goldhelm Golden Helmet golden_helmet %ID303%
Goldhacke Golden Hoe golden_hoe %ID304%
Goldener Rossharnisch Gold Horse Armor golden_horse_armor %ID305%
Goldbeinschutz Golden Leggings golden_leggings %ID306%
Goldspitzhacke Golden Pickaxe golden_pickaxe %ID307%
Goldschaufel Golden Shovel golden_shovel %ID308%
Goldschwert Golden Sword golden_sword %ID309%
Granit Granite granite %ID310%
Granitstufe Granite Slab granite_slab %ID311%
Granittreppe Granite Stairs granite_stairs %ID312%
Granitmauer Granite Wall granite_wall %ID313%
Gras Grass grass %ID314%
Grasblock Grass Block grass_block %ID315%
Steinsäge Stonecutter stonecutter %ID316%
Kies Gravel gravel %ID317%
Grauer Banner Gray Banner gray_banner %ID318%
Graues Bett Gray Bed gray_bed %ID319%
Grauer Teppich Gray Carpet gray_carpet %ID320%
Grauer Beton Gray Concrete gray_concrete %ID321%
Grauer Trockenbeton Gray Concrete Powder gray_concrete_powder %ID322%
Grauer Farbstoff Gray Dye gray_dye %ID323%
Graue glasierte Keramik Gray Glazed Terracotta gray_glazed_terracotta %ID324%
Graue Shulkerkiste Gray Shulker Box gray_shulker_box %ID325%
Graues Glas Gray Stained Glass gray_stained_glass %ID326%
Graue Glasscheibe Gray Stained Glass Pane gray_stained_glass_pane %ID327%
Graue Keramik Gray Terracotta gray_terracotta %ID328%
Graue Wolle Gray Wool gray_wool %ID329%
Grüner Banner Green Banner green_banner %ID330%
Grünes Bett Green Bed green_bed %ID331%
Grüner Teppich Green Carpet green_carpet %ID332%
Grüner Beton Green Concrete green_concrete %ID333%
Grüner Trockenbeton Green Concrete Powder green_concrete_powder %ID334%
Grüner Farbstoff Green Dye green_dye %ID335%
Grüne glasierte Keramik Green Glazed Terracotta green_glazed_terracotta %ID336%
Grüne Shulkerkiste Green Shulker Box green_shulker_box %ID337%
Grünes Glas Green Stained Glass green_stained_glass %ID338%
Grüne Glasscheibe Green Stained Glass Pane green_stained_glass_pane %ID339%
Grüne Keramik Green Terracotta green_terracotta %ID340%
Grüne Wolle Green Wool green_wool %ID341%
Schleifstein Grindstone grindstone %ID342%
Schwarzpulver Gunpowder gunpowder %ID343%
Strohballen Hay Bale hay_block %ID344%
Herz des Meeres Heart of the Sea heart_of_the_sea %ID345%
Grobwägeplatte Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate heavy_weighted_pressure_plate %ID346%
Trichter Hopper hopper %ID347%
Trichterlore Minecart with Hopper hopper_minecart %ID348%
Geweihkoralle Horn Coral horn_coral %ID349%
Geweihkorallenblock Horn Coral Block horn_coral_block %ID350%
Geweihkorallenfächer Horn Coral Fan horn_coral_fan %ID351%
Pferde-Spawn-Ei Horse Spawn Egg horse_spawn_egg %ID352%
Eis Ice ice %ID353%
Tintenbeutel Ink Sac ink_sac %ID354%
Eisenaxt Iron Axe iron_axe %ID355%
Eisengitter Iron Bars iron_bars %ID356%
Eisenblock Block of Iron iron_block %ID357%
Eisenstiefel Iron Boots iron_boots %ID358%
Eisenharnisch Iron Chestplate iron_chestplate %ID359%
Eisentür Iron Door iron_door %ID360%
Eisenhelm Iron Helmet iron_helmet %ID361%
Eisenhacke Iron Hoe iron_hoe %ID362%
Eiserner Rossharnisch Iron Horse Armor iron_horse_armor %ID363%
Eisenbarren Iron Ingot iron_ingot %ID364%
Eisenbeinschutz Iron Leggings iron_leggings %ID365%
Eisenklumpen Iron Nugget iron_nugget %ID366%
Eisenerz Iron Ore iron_ore %ID367%
Eisenspitzhacke Iron Pickaxe iron_pickaxe %ID368%
Eisenschaufel Iron Shovel iron_shovel %ID369%
Eisenschwert Iron Sword iron_sword %ID370%
Eisenfalltür Iron Trapdoor iron_trapdoor %ID371%
Bilderrahmen Item Frame item_frame %ID372%
Kürbislaterne Jack o'Lantern jack_o_lantern %ID373%
Plattenspieler Jukebox jukebox %ID374%
Tropenholzboot Jungle Boat jungle_boat %ID375%
Tropenholzknopf Jungle Button jungle_button %ID376%
Tropenholztür Jungle Door jungle_door %ID377%
Tropenholzzaun Jungle Fence jungle_fence %ID378%
Tropenholzzauntür Jungle Fence Gate jungle_fence_gate %ID379%
Tropenbaumlaub Jungle Leaves jungle_leaves %ID380%
Tropenbaumstamm Jungle Log jungle_log %ID381%
Tropenholzbretter Jungle Wood Plank jungle_planks %ID382%
Tropenholzdruckplatte Jungle Pressure Plate jungle_pressure_plate %ID383%
Tropenbaumsetzling Jungle Sapling jungle_sapling %ID384%
Tropenholzschild Jungle Sign jungle_sign %ID385%
Tropenholzstufe Jungle Wood Slab jungle_slab %ID386%
Tropenholztreppe Jungle Wood Stairs jungle_stairs %ID387%
Tropenholzfalltür Jungle Trapdoor jungle_trapdoor %ID388%
Tropenholz Jungle Wood jungle_wood %ID389%
Seetang Kelp kelp %ID390%
Leiter Ladder ladder %ID391%
Laterne Lantern lantern %ID392%
Lapislazuliblock Lapis Lazuli Block lapis_block %ID393%
Lapislazuli Lapis Lazuli lapis_lazuli %ID394%
Lapislazulierz Lapis Lazuli Ore lapis_ore %ID395%
Großer Farn Large Fern large_fern %ID396%
Lavaeimer Lava Bucket lava_bucket %ID397%
Leine Lead lead %ID398%
Leder Leather leather %ID399%
Lederstiefel Leather Boots leather_boots %ID400%
Lederjacke Leather Tunic leather_chestplate %ID401%
Lederkappe Leather Cap leather_helmet %ID402%
Lederner Rossharnisch Leather Horse Armor leather_horse_armor %ID403%
Lederhose Leather Pants leather_leggings %ID404%
Lesepult Lectern lectern %ID405%
Hebel Lever lever %ID406%
Hellblauer Banner Light Blue Banner light_blue_banner %ID407%
Hellblaues Bett Light Blue Bed light_blue_bed %ID408%
Hellblauer Teppich Light Blue Carpet light_blue_carpet %ID409%
Hellblauer Beton Light Blue Concrete light_blue_concrete %ID410%
Hellblauer Trockenbeton Light Blue Concrete Powder light_blue_concrete_powder %ID411%
Hellblauer Farbstoff Light Blue Dye light_blue_dye %ID412%
Hellblaue glasierte Keramik Light Blue Glazed Terracotta light_blue_glazed_terracotta %ID413%
Hellblaue Shulkerkiste Light Blue Shulker Box light_blue_shulker_box %ID414%
Hellblaues Glas Light Blue Stained Glass light_blue_stained_glass %ID415%
Hellblaue Glasscheibe Light Blue Stained Glass Pane light_blue_stained_glass_pane %ID416%
Hellblaue Keramik Light Blue Terracotta light_blue_terracotta %ID417%
Hellblaue Wolle Light Blue Wool light_blue_wool %ID418%
Hellgrauer Banner Light Gray Banner light_gray_banner %ID419%
Hellgraues Bett Light Gray Bed light_gray_bed %ID420%
Hellgrauer Teppich Light Gray Carpet light_gray_carpet %ID421%
Hellgrauer Beton Light Gray Concrete light_gray_concrete %ID422%
Hellgrauer Trockenbeton Light Gray Concrete Powder light_gray_concrete_powder %ID423%
Hellgrauer Farbstoff Light Gray Dye light_gray_dye %ID424%
Hellgraue glasierte Keramik Light Gray Glazed Terracotta light_gray_glazed_terracotta %ID425%
Hellgraue Shulkerkiste Light Gray Shulker Box light_gray_shulker_box %ID426%
Hellgraues Glas Light Gray Stained Glass light_gray_stained_glass %ID427%
Hellgraue Glasscheibe Light Gray Stained Glass Pane light_gray_stained_glass_pane %ID428%
Hellgraue Keramik Light Gray Terracotta light_gray_terracotta %ID429%
Hellgraue Wolle Light Gray Wool light_gray_wool %ID430%
Feinwägeplatte Light Weighted Pressure Plate light_weighted_pressure_plate %ID431%
Flieder Lilac lilac %ID432%
Maiglöckchen Lily of the Valley lily_of_the_valley %ID433%
Seerosenblatt Lily Pad lily_pad %ID434%
Hellgrüner Banner Lime Banner lime_banner %ID435%
Hellgrünes Bett Lime Bed lime_bed %ID436%
Hellgrüner Teppich Lime Carpet lime_carpet %ID437%
Hellgrüner Beton Lime Concrete lime_concrete %ID438%
Hellgrüner Trockenbeton Lime Concrete Powder lime_concrete_powder %ID439%
Hellgrüner Farbstoff Lime Dye lime_dye %ID440%
Hellgrüne glasierte Keramik Lime Glazed Terracotta lime_glazed_terracotta %ID441%
Hellgrüne Shulkerkiste Lime Shulker Box lime_shulker_box %ID442%
Hellgrünes Glas Lime Stained Glass lime_stained_glass %ID443%
Hellgrüne Glasscheibe Lime Stained Glass Pane lime_stained_glass_pane %ID444%
Hellgrüne Keramik Lime Terracotta lime_terracotta %ID445%
Hellgrüne Wolle Lime Wool lime_wool %ID446%
Lama-Spawn-Ei Llama Spawn Egg llama_spawn_egg %ID447%
Webstuhl Loom loom %ID448%
Magenta Banner Magenta Banner magenta_banner %ID449%
Magenta Bett Magenta Bed magenta_bed %ID450%
Magenta Teppich Magenta Carpet magenta_carpet %ID451%
Magenta Beton Magenta Concrete magenta_concrete %ID452%
Magenta Trockenbeton Magenta Concrete Powder magenta_concrete_powder %ID453%
Magenta Farbstoff Magenta Dye magenta_dye %ID454%
Magenta glasierte Keramik Magenta Glazed Terracotta magenta_glazed_terracotta %ID455%
Magenta Shulkerkiste Magenta Shulker Box magenta_shulker_box %ID456%
Magenta Glas Magenta Stained Glass magenta_stained_glass %ID457%
Magenta Glasscheibe Magenta Stained Glass Pane magenta_stained_glass_pane %ID458%
Magenta Keramik Magenta Terracotta magenta_terracotta %ID459%
Magenta Wolle Magenta Wool magenta_wool %ID460%
Magmablock Magma Block magma_block %ID461%
Magmacreme Magma Cream magma_cream %ID462%
Leere Karte Map map %ID463%
Melone Block of Melon melon %ID464%
Melonensamen Melon Seeds melon_seeds %ID465%
Melonenscheibe Melon Slice melon_slice %ID466%
Milcheimer Milk milk_bucket %ID467%
Lore Minecart minecart %ID468%
Mooshroom-Spawn-Ei Mooshroom Spawn Egg mooshroom_spawn_egg %ID469%
Bemooster Bruchstein Mossy Cobblestone mossy_cobblestone %ID470%
Bemooste Bruchsteinstufe Mossy Cobblestone Slab mossy_cobblestone_slab %ID471%
Bemooste Bruchsteintreppe Mossy Cobblestone Stairs mossy_cobblestone_stairs %ID472%
Bemooste Bruchsteinmauer Mossy Cobblestone Wall mossy_cobblestone_wall %ID473%
Bemooste Steinziegelstufe Mossy Stone Brick Slab mossy_stone_brick_slab %ID474%
Bemooste Steinziegeltreppe Mossy Stone Brick Stairs mossy_stone_brick_stairs %ID475%
Bemooste Steinziegelmauer Mossy Stone Brick Wall mossy_stone_brick_wall %ID476%
Bemooste Steinziegel Mossy Stone Bricks mossy_stone_bricks %ID477%
Maultier-Spawn-Ei Mule Spawn Egg mule_spawn_egg %ID478%
Pilzstiel Mushroom Stem mushroom_stem %ID479%
Pilzsuppe Mushroom Stew mushroom_stew %ID480%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - 11 music_disc_11 %ID481%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - 13 music_disc_13 %ID482%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - blocks music_disc_blocks %ID483%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - cat music_disc_cat %ID484%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - chirp music_disc_chirp %ID485%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - far music_disc_far %ID486%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - mall music_disc_mall %ID487%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - mellohi music_disc_mellohi %ID488%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - stal music_disc_stal %ID489%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - strad music_disc_strad %ID490%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - wait music_disc_wait %ID491%
Schallplatte Music Disc C418 - ward music_disc_ward %ID492%
Rohes Hammelfleisch Raw Mutton mutton %ID493%
Myzel Mycelium mycelium %ID494%
Namensschild Name Tag name_tag %ID495%
Nautilusschale Nautilus Shell nautilus_shell %ID496%
Netherziegel Nether Brick nether_brick %ID497%
Netherziegelzaun Nether Brick Fence nether_brick_fence %ID498%
Netherziegelstufe Nether Brick Slab nether_brick_slab %ID499%
Netherziegeltreppe Nether Brick Stairs nether_brick_stairs %ID500%
Netherziegelmauer Nether Brick Wall nether_brick_wall %ID501%
Netherziegel Block of Nether Brick nether_bricks %ID502%
Netherquarzerz Nether Quartz Ore nether_quartz_ore %ID503%
Netherstern Nether Star nether_star %ID504%
Netherwarze Nether Wart nether_wart %ID505%
Netherwarzenblock Nether Wart Block nether_wart_block %ID506%
Netherrack Netherrack netherrack %ID507%
Notenblock Note Block note_block %ID508%
Eichenholzboot Oak Boat oak_boat %ID509%
Eichenholzknopf Oak Button oak_button %ID510%
Eichenholztür Oak Door oak_door %ID511%
Eichenholzzaun Oak Fence oak_fence %ID512%
Eichenholzzauntor Oak Fence Gate oak_fence_gate %ID513%
Eichenlaub Oak Leaves oak_leaves %ID514%
Eichenstamm Oak Log oak_log %ID515%
Eichenholzbretter Oak Wood Plank oak_planks %ID516%
Eichenholzdruckplatte Oak Pressure Plate oak_pressure_plate %ID517%
Eichensetzling Oak Sapling oak_sapling %ID518%
Eichenholzschild Oak Sign oak_sign %ID519%
Eichenholzstufe Oak Wood Slab oak_slab %ID520%
Eichenholztreppe Oak Wood Stairs oak_stairs %ID521%
Eichenholzfalltür Oak Trapdoor oak_trapdoor %ID522%
Eichenholz Oak Wood oak_wood %ID523%
Beobachter Observer observer %ID524%
Obsidian Obsidian obsidian %ID525%
Ozelot-Spawn-Ei Ocelot Spawn Egg ocelot_spawn_egg %ID526%
Oranges Banner Orange Banner orange_banner %ID527%
Oranges Bett Orange Bed orange_bed %ID528%
Oranger Teppich Orange Carpet orange_carpet %ID529%
Oranger Beton Orange Concrete orange_concrete %ID530%
Oranger Trockenbeton Orange Concrete Powder orange_concrete_powder %ID531%
Oranger Farbstoff Orange Dye orange_dye %ID532%
Orange glasierte Keramik Orange Glazed Terracotta orange_glazed_terracotta %ID533%
Orange Shulkerkiste Orange Shulker Box orange_shulker_box %ID534%
Oranges Glas Orange Stained Glass orange_stained_glass %ID535%
Orange Glasscheibe Orange Stained Glass Pane orange_stained_glass_pane %ID536%
Orange Keramik Orange Terracotta orange_terracotta %ID537%
Orange Tulpe Orange Tulip orange_tulip %ID538%
Orange Wolle Orange Wool orange_wool %ID539%
Margerite Oxeye Daisy oxeye_daisy %ID540%
Packeis Packed Ice packed_ice %ID541%
Gemälde Painting painting %ID542%
Panda-Spawn-Ei Panda Spawn Egg panda_spawn_egg %ID543%
Papier Paper paper %ID544%
Papageien-Spawn-Ei Parrot Spawn Egg parrot_spawn_egg %ID545%
Pfingstrose Peony peony %ID546%
Phantomhaut Phantom Membrane phantom_membrane %ID547%
Schweine-Spawn-Ei Pig Spawn Egg pig_spawn_egg %ID548%
Rosa Banner Pink Banner pink_banner %ID549%
Rosa Bett Pink Bed pink_bed %ID550%
Rosa Teppich Pink Carpet pink_carpet %ID551%
Rosa Beton Pink Concrete pink_concrete %ID552%
Rosa Trockenbeton Pink Concrete Powder pink_concrete_powder %ID553%
Rosa Farbstoff Pink Dye pink_dye %ID554%
Rosa glasierte Keramik Pink Glazed Terracotta pink_glazed_terracotta %ID555%
Rosa Shulkerkiste Pink Shulker Box pink_shulker_box %ID556%
Rosa Glas Pink Stained Glass pink_stained_glass %ID557%
Rosa Glasscheibe Pink Stained Glass Pane pink_stained_glass_pane %ID558%
Rosa Keramik Pink Terracotta pink_terracotta %ID559%
Rosa Tulpe Pink Tulip pink_tulip %ID560%
Rosa Wolle Pink Wool pink_wool %ID561%
Kolben Piston piston %ID562%
Podsol Podzol podzol %ID563%
Giftige Kartoffel Poisonous Potato poisonous_potato %ID564%
Eisbär-Spawn-Ei Polar Bear Spawn Egg polar_bear_spawn_egg %ID565%
Polierter Andesit Polished Andesite polished_andesite %ID566%
Polierte Andesitstufe Polished Andesite Slab polished_andesite_slab %ID567%
Polierte Andesittreppe Polished Andesite Stairs polished_andesite_stairs %ID568%
Polierter Diorit Polished Diorite polished_diorite %ID569%
Polierte Dioritstufe Polished Diorite Slab polished_diorite_slab %ID570%
Polierte Diorittreppe Polished Diorite Stairs polished_diorite_stairs %ID571%
Polierter Granit Polished Granite polished_granite %ID572%
Polierte Granitstufe Polished Granite Slab polished_granite_slab %ID573%
Polierte Granittreppe Polished Granite Stairs polished_granite_stairs %ID574%
Geplatzte Chorusfrucht Popped Chorus Fruit popped_chorus_fruit %ID575%
Mohn Poppy poppy %ID576%
Rohes Schweinefleisch Raw Porkchop porkchop %ID577%
Kartoffel Potato potato %ID578%
Wasserflasche Water Bottle potion %ID579%
Antriebsschiene Powered Rails powered_rail %ID580%
Prismarin Prismarine prismarine %ID581%
Prismarinziegelstufe Prismarine Brick Slab prismarine_brick_slab %ID582%
Prismarinziegeltreppe Prismarine Bricks Stairs prismarine_brick_stairs %ID583%
Prismarinziegel Prismarine Bricks prismarine_bricks %ID584%
Prismarinkristalle Prismarine Crystals prismarine_crystals %ID585%
Prismarinscherbe Prismarine Shard prismarine_shard %ID586%
Prismarinstufe Prismarine Slab prismarine_slab %ID587%
Prismarintreppe Prismarine Stairs prismarine_stairs %ID588%
Prismarinmauer Prismarine Wall prismarine_wall %ID589%
Kugelfisch Pufferfish pufferfish %ID590%
Kugelfischeimer Bucket of Pufferfish pufferfish_bucket %ID591%
Kürbis Pumpkin pumpkin %ID592%
Kürbiskuchen Pumpkin Pie pumpkin_pie %ID593%
Kürbiskerne Pumpkin Seeds pumpkin_seeds %ID594%
Violettes Banner Purple Banner purple_banner %ID595%
Violettes Bett Purple Bed purple_bed %ID596%
Violetter Teppich Purple Carpet purple_carpet %ID597%
Violetter Beton Purple Concrete purple_concrete %ID598%
Violetter Trockenbeton Purple Concrete Powder purple_concrete_powder %ID599%
Violetter Farbstoff Purple Dye purple_dye %ID600%
Violette glasierte Keramik Purple Glazed Terracotta purple_glazed_terracotta %ID601%
Violette Shulkerbox Purple Shulker Box purple_shulker_box %ID602%
Violettes Glas Purple Stained Glass purple_stained_glass %ID603%
Violette Glasscheibe Purple Stained Glass Pane purple_stained_glass_pane %ID604%
Violette Keramik Purple Terracotta purple_terracotta %ID605%
Violette Wolle Purple Wool purple_wool %ID606%
Purpurblock Purpur Block purpur_block %ID607%
Purpursäule Purpur Pillar purpur_pillar %ID608%
Purpurstufe Purpur Slab purpur_slab %ID609%
Purpurtreppe Purpur Stairs purpur_stairs %ID610%
Netherquarz Nether Quartz quartz %ID611%
Quarzblock Block of Quartz quartz_block %ID612%
Quarzsäule Pillar Quartz Block quartz_pillar %ID613%
Quarzstufe Quartz Slab quartz_slab %ID614%
Quarztreppe Quartz Stairs quartz_stairs %ID615%
Rohes Kaninchen Raw Rabbit rabbit %ID616%
Hasenpfote Rabbit's Foot rabbit_foot %ID617%
Kaninchenfell Rabbit Hide rabbit_hide %ID618%
Kaninchen-Spawn-Ei Rabbit Spawn Egg rabbit_spawn_egg %ID619%
Kaninchenragout Rabbit Stew rabbit_stew %ID620%
Schiene Rails rail %ID621%
Rotes Banner Red Banner red_banner %ID622%
Rotes Bett Red Bed red_bed %ID623%
Roter Teppich Red Carpet red_carpet %ID624%
Roter Beton Red Concrete red_concrete %ID625%
Roter Trockenbeton Red Concrete Powder red_concrete_powder %ID626%
Roter Farbstoff Red Dye red_dye %ID627%
Rote glasierte Keramik Red Glazed Terracotta red_glazed_terracotta %ID628%
Roter Pilz Mushroom red red_mushroom %ID629%
Roter Pilzblock Red Mushroom Block red_mushroom_block %ID630%
Rote Netherziegelstufe Red Nether Brick Slab red_nether_brick_slab %ID631%
Rote Netherziegeltreppe Red Nether Brick Stairs red_nether_brick_stairs %ID632%
Rote Netherziegelmauer Red Nether Brick Wall red_nether_brick_wall %ID633%
Rote Netherziegel Red Nether Brick red_nether_bricks %ID634%
Roter Sand Red Sand red_sand %ID635%
Roter Sandstein Red Sandstone red_sandstone %ID636%
Rote Sandsteinstufe Red Sandstone Slab red_sandstone_slab %ID637%
Rote Sandsteintreppe Red Sandstone Stairs red_sandstone_stairs %ID638%
Rote Sandsteinmauer Red Sandstone Wall red_sandstone_wall %ID639%
Rote Shulkerbox Red Shulker Box red_shulker_box %ID640%
Rotes Glas Red Stained Glass red_stained_glass %ID641%
Rote Glasscheibe Red Stained Glass Pane red_stained_glass_pane %ID642%
Rote Keramik Red Terracotta red_terracotta %ID643%
Rote Tulpe Red Tulip red_tulip %ID644%
Rote Wolle Red Wool red_wool %ID645%
Redstone-Staub Redstone redstone %ID646%
Redstone-Block Block of Redstone redstone_block %ID647%
Redstone-Lampe Redstone Lamp redstone_lamp %ID648%
Redstone-Erz Redstone Ore redstone_ore %ID649%
Redstone-Fackel Redstone Torch redstone_torch %ID650%
Redstone-Verstärker Redstone Repeater repeater %ID651%
Rosenstrauch Rose Bush rose_bush %ID652%
Verrotetes Fleisch Rotten Flesh rotten_flesh %ID653%
Sattel Saddle saddle %ID654%
Roher Lachs Raw Salmon salmon %ID655%
Lachseimer Bucket of Salmon salmon_bucket %ID656%
Sand Sand sand %ID657%
Sandstein Sandstone sandstone %ID658%
Sandsteinstufe Sandstone Slab sandstone_slab %ID659%
Sandsteintreppe Sandstone Stairs sandstone_stairs %ID660%
Sandsteinmauer Sandstone Wall sandstone_wall %ID661%
Gerüst Scaffolding scaffolding %ID662%
Hornschild Scute scute %ID663%
Seelaterne Sea Lantern sea_lantern %ID664%
Meeresgurke Sea Pickle sea_pickle %ID665%
Seegras Sea Grass seagrass %ID666%
Schere Shears shears %ID667%
Schaf-Spawn-Ei Sheep Spawn Egg sheep_spawn_egg %ID668%
Schild Shield shield %ID669%
Shulkerkiste Shulker Box shulker_box %ID670%
Shulkerschale Shulker Shell shulker_shell %ID671%
Skelettschädel Skeleton Skull skeleton_skull %ID672%
Schleimball Slimeball slime_ball %ID673%
Schleimblock Slime Block slime_block %ID674%
Schmiedetisch Smithing Table smithing_table %ID675%
Räucherofen Smoker smoker %ID676%
Glatter Quarzblock Smooth Quartz smooth_quartz %ID677%
Glatte Quarzstufe Smooth Quartz Slab smooth_quartz_slab %ID678%
Glatte Quarztreppe Smooth Quartz Stairs smooth_quartz_stairs %ID679%
Glatter roter Sandstein Smooth Red Sandstone smooth_red_sandstone %ID680%
Glatte rote Sandsteinstufe Smooth Red Sandstone Slab smooth_red_sandstone_slab %ID681%
Glatte rote Sandsteintreppe Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs smooth_red_sandstone_stairs %ID682%
Glatter Sandstein Smooth Sandstone smooth_sandstone %ID683%
Glatte Sandsteinstufe Smooth Sandstone Slab smooth_sandstone_slab %ID684%
Glatte Sandsteintreppe Smooth Sandstone Stairs smooth_sandstone_stairs %ID685%
Glatter Stein Smooth Stone smooth_stone %ID686%
Glatte Steinstufe Smooth Stone Slab smooth_stone_slab %ID687%
Schnee Snow snow %ID688%
Schneeblock Snow Block snow_block %ID689%
Schneeball Snowball snowball %ID690%
Seelensand Soul Sand soul_sand %ID691%
Spawner Monster Spawner spawner %ID692%
Spektralpfeil Spectral Arrow spectral_arrow %ID693%
Spinnenauge Spider Eye spider_eye %ID694%
Schwamm Sponge sponge %ID695%
Fichtenholzboot Spruce Boat spruce_boat %ID696%
Fichtenholzknopf Spruce Button spruce_button %ID697%
Fichtenholztür Spruce Door spruce_door %ID698%
Fichtenholzzaun Spruce Fence spruce_fence %ID699%
Fichtenholzzauntor Spruce Fence Gate spruce_fence_gate %ID700%
Fichtenholznadel Spruce Leaves spruce_leaves %ID701%
Fichtenstamm Spruce Log spruce_log %ID702%
Fichtenholzbretter Spruce Wood Plank spruce_planks %ID703%
Fichtenholzdruckplatte Spruce Pressure Plate spruce_pressure_plate %ID704%
Fichtensetzling Spruce Sapling spruce_sapling %ID705%
Fichtenholzschild Spruce Sign spruce_sign %ID706%
Fichtenholzstufe Spruce Wood Slab spruce_slab %ID707%
Fichtenholztreppe Spruce Wood Stairs spruce_stairs %ID708%
Fichtenholzfalltür Spruce Trapdoor spruce_trapdoor %ID709%
Fichtenholz Spruce Wood spruce_wood %ID710%
Stock Stick stick %ID711%
Klebriger Kolben Sticky Piston sticky_piston %ID712%
Stein Stone stone %ID713%
Steinaxt Stone Axe stone_axe %ID714%
Steinziegelstufe Stone Brick Slab stone_brick_slab %ID715%
Steinziegeltreppe Stone Brick Stairs stone_brick_stairs %ID716%
Steinziegelmauer Stone Brick Wall stone_brick_wall %ID717%
Steinziegel Stone Bricks stone_bricks %ID718%
Steinknopf Stone Button stone_button %ID719%
Steinhacke Stone Hoe stone_hoe %ID720%
Steinspitzhacke Stone Pickaxe stone_pickaxe %ID721%
Steindruckplatte Stone Pressure Plate stone_pressure_plate %ID722%
Steinschaufel Stone Shovel stone_shovel %ID723%
Steinstufe Stone Slab stone_slab %ID724%
Steintreppe Stone Stairs stone_stairs %ID725%
Steinschwert Stone Sword stone_sword %ID726%
Faden String string %ID727%
Entrindeter Akazienstamm Stripped Acacia Log stripped_acacia_log %ID728%
Entrindetes Akazienholz Stripped Acacia Wood stripped_acacia_wood %ID729%
Entrindeter Birkenstamm Stripped Birch Log stripped_birch_log %ID730%
Entrindetes Birkenholz Stripped Birch Wood stripped_birch_wood %ID731%
Entrindeter Schwarzeichenstamm Stripped Dark Oak Log stripped_dark_oak_log %ID732%
Entrindetes Schwarzeichenholz Stripped Dark Oak Wood stripped_dark_oak_wood %ID733%
Entrindeter Tropenbaumstamm Stripped Jungle Log stripped_jungle_log %ID734%
Entrindetes Tropenholz Stripped Jungle Wood stripped_jungle_wood %ID735%
Entrindeter Eichenstamm Stripped Oak Log stripped_oak_log %ID736%
Entrindetes Eichenholz Stripped Oak Wood stripped_oak_wood %ID737%
Entrindeter Fichtenstamm Stripped Spruce Log stripped_spruce_log %ID738%
Entrindetes Fichtenholz Stripped Spruce Wood stripped_spruce_wood %ID739%
Zucker Sugar sugar %ID740%
Sonnenblume Sunflower sunflower %ID741%
Süßbeeren Sweet Berries sweet_berries %ID742%
Hohes Gras Double Tallgrass tall_grass %ID743%
Keramik Terracotta terracotta %ID744%
TNT TNT tnt %ID745%
TNT-Lore Minecart with TNT tnt_minecart %ID746%
Fackel Torch torch %ID747%
Totem der Unsterblichkeit Totem of Undying totem_of_undying %ID748%
Redstone-Truhe Trapped Chest trapped_chest %ID749%
Dreizack Trident trident %ID750%
Haken Tripwire Hook tripwire_hook %ID751%
Tropenfisch Tropical Fish Clownfish tropical_fish %ID752%
Tropenfischeimer Bucket of Tropical Fish tropical_fish_bucket %ID753%
Orgelkoralle Tube Coral tube_coral %ID754%
Orgelkorallenblock Tube Coral Block tube_coral_block %ID755%
Orgelkorallenfächer Tube Coral Fan tube_coral_fan %ID756%
Schildkrötenei Turtle Egg turtle_egg %ID757%
Schildkrötenpanzer Turtle Shell turtle_helmet %ID758%
Schildkröten-Spawn-Ei Turtle Spawn Egg turtle_spawn_egg %ID759%
Dorfbewohner-Spawn-Ei Villager Spawn Egg villager_spawn_egg %ID760%
Ranken Vines vine %ID761%
Wassereimer Water Bucket water_bucket %ID762%
Nasser Schwamm Wet Sponge wet_sponge %ID763%
Weizen Wheat wheat %ID764%
Weizenkörner Seeds wheat_seeds %ID765%
Weißes Banner White Banner white_banner %ID766%
Weißes Bett White Bed white_bed %ID767%
Weißer Teppich White Carpet white_carpet %ID768%
Weißer Beton White Concrete white_concrete %ID769%
Weißer Trockenbeton White Concrete Powder white_concrete_powder %ID770%
Weißer Farbstoff White Dye white_dye %ID771%
Weiße glasierte Keramik White Glazed Terracotta white_glazed_terracotta %ID772%
Weiße Shulkerkiste White Shulker Box white_shulker_box %ID773%
Weißes Glas White Stained Glass white_stained_glass %ID774%
Weiße Glasscheibe White Stained Glass Pane white_stained_glass_pane %ID775%
Weiße Keramik White Terracotta white_terracotta %ID776%
Weiße Tulpe White Tulip white_tulip %ID777%
Weiße Wolle White Wool white_wool %ID778%
Witherrose Wither Rose wither_rose %ID779%
Witherskelettschädel Wither Skeleton Skull wither_skeleton_skull %ID780%
Wolf-Spawn-Ei Wolf Spawn Egg wolf_spawn_egg %ID781%
Holzaxt Wooden Axe wooden_axe %ID782%
Holzhacke Wooden Hoe wooden_hoe %ID783%
Holzspitzhacke Wooden Pickaxe wooden_pickaxe %ID784%
Holzschaufel Wooden Shovel wooden_shovel %ID785%
Holzschwert Wooden Sword wooden_sword %ID786%
Buch und Feder Book and Quill writable_book %ID787%
Gelbes Banner Yellow Banner yellow_banner %ID788%
Gelbes Bett Yellow Bed yellow_bed %ID789%
Gelber Teppich Yellow Carpet yellow_carpet %ID790%
Gelber Beton Yellow Concrete yellow_concrete %ID791%
Gelber Trockenbeton Yellow Concrete Powder yellow_concrete_powder %ID792%
Gelber Farbstoff Yellow Dye yellow_dye %ID793%
Gelbe glasierte Keramik Yellow Glazed Terracotta yellow_glazed_terracotta %ID794%
Gelbe Shulkerkiste Yellow Shulker Box yellow_shulker_box %ID795%
Gelbes Glas Yellow Stained Glass yellow_stained_glass %ID796%
Gelbe Glasscheibe Yellow Stained Glass Pane yellow_stained_glass_pane %ID797%
Gelbe Keramik Yellow Terracotta yellow_terracotta %ID798%
Gelbe Wolle Yellow Wool yellow_wool %ID799%
Zombiekopf Zombie Head zombie_head %ID800%
Bogen Bow bow %ID801%
Zuckerrohr Sugar Cane sugar_cane %ID802%
Geschnittene rote Sandsteinstufe Cut Red Sandstone Slab cut_red_sandstone_slab %ID803%
Geschnittene Sandsteinstufe Cut Sandstone Slab cut_sandstone_slab %ID804%
Bienenstock Beehive beehive %ID805%
Bienennest Bee Nest bee_nest %ID806%
Honigwabe Honeycomb honeycomb %ID807%
Honigflasche Honey Bottle honey_bottle %ID808%
Honigwabenblock Honeycomb Block honeycomb_block %ID809%
Honigblock Honey Block honey_block %ID810%
Seltsame Suppe Suspicious Stew suspicious_stew %ID811%
Karmesin-Nezel Crimson Nylium crimson_nylium %ID812%
Karmesinbretter Crimson Planks crimson_planks %ID813%
Karmesinstiel Crimson Stem crimson_stem %ID814%
Geschälter Karmesinstiel Stripped Crimson Stem stripped_crimson_stem %ID815%
Geschälte Karmesinhyphen Stripped Crimson Hyphae stripped_crimson_hyphae %ID816%
Karmesinhyphen Crimson_hyphae crimson_hyphae %ID817%
Karmesinstufe Crimson Slab crimson_slab %ID818%
Karmesintreppe Crimson Stairs crimson_stairs %ID819%
Karmesinpilz Crimson Fungus crimson_fungus %ID820%
Karmesinwurzeln Crimson Roots crimson_roots %ID821%
Trauerranken Weeping Vines weeping_vines %ID822%
Karmesinzaun Crimson Fence crimson_fence %ID823%
Karmesinschild Crimson Sign crimson_sign %ID824%
Karmesindruckplatte Crimson Pressure Plate crimson_pressure_plate %ID825%
Karmesinfalltür Crimson Trapdoor crimson_trapdoor %ID826%
Karmesinzauntor Crimson Fence Gate crimson_fence_gate %ID827%
Karmesinknopf Crimson Button crimson_button %ID828%
Karmesintür Crimson Door crimson_door %ID829%
Wirr-Nezel Warped Nylium warped_nylium %ID830%
Wirrbretter Warped Planks warped_planks %ID831%
Wirrstiel Warped Stem warped_stem %ID832%
Geschälter Wirrstiel Stripped Warped Stem stripped_warped_stem %ID833%
Geschälte Wirrhyphen Stripped Warped Hyphae stripped_warped_hyphae %ID834%
Wirrhyphen Warped Hyphae warped_hyphae %ID835%
Wirrstufe Warped Slab warped_slab %ID836%
Wirrtreppe Warped Stairs warped_stairs %ID837%
Wirrwarzenblock Warped Wart Block warped_wart_block %ID838%
Wirrpilz Warped Fungus warped_fungus %ID839%
Wirrwurzeln Warped Roots warped_roots %ID840%
Zwirbelranken Twisting Vines twisting_vines %ID841%
Wirrzaun Warped Fence warped_fence %ID842%
Wirrschild Warped Sign warped_sign %ID843%
Wirrdruckplatte Warped Pressure Plate warped_pressure_plate %ID844%
Wirrfalltür Warped Trapdoor warped_trapdoor %ID845%
Wirrzauntor Warped Fence Gate warped_fence_gate %ID846%
Wirrknopf Warped Button warped_button %ID847%
Wirrtür Warped Door warped_door %ID848%
Schwarzstein Blackstone blackstone %ID849%
Schwarzsteinstufe Blackstone Slab blackstone_slab %ID850%
Schwarzsteintreppe Blackstone Stairs blackstone_stairs %ID851%
Golddurchzogener Schwarzstein Gilded Blackstone gilded_blackstone %ID852%
Polierter Schwarzstein Polished Blackstone polished_blackstone %ID853%
Polierter Schwarzsteinstufe Polished Blackstone Slab polished_blackstone_slab %ID854%
Polierter Schwarzsteintreppe Polished Blackstone Stairs polished_blackstone_stairs %ID855%
Gemeißelter polierter Schwarzstein Chiseled Polished Blackstone chiseled_polished_blackstone %ID856%
Polierte Schwarzsteinziegel Polished Blackstone Bricks polished_blackstone_bricks %ID857%
Polierte Schwarzsteinziegelstufe Polished Blackstone Brick Slab polished_blackstone_brick_slab %ID858%
Polierte Schwarzsteinziegeltreppe Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs polished_blackstone_brick_stairs %ID859%
Rissige polierte Schwarzsteinziegel Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks %ID860%
Schwarzsteinmauer Blackstone Wall blackstone_wall %ID861%
Polierte Schwarzsteinmauer Polished Blackstone Wall polished_blackstone_wall %ID862%
Polierte Schwarzsteinziegelmauer Polished Blackstone Brick Wall polished_blackstone_brick_wall %ID863%
Polierte Schwarzsteindruckplatte Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate polished_blackstone_pressure_plate %ID864%
Polierte Schwarzsteinknopf Polished Blackstone Button polished_blackstone_button %ID865%
Nethergolderz Nether Gold Ore nether_gold_ore %ID866%
Seelenerde Soul Soil soul_soil %ID867%
Basalt Basalt basalt %ID868%
Polierter Basalt Polished Basalt polished_basalt %ID869%
Rissige Netherziegel Cracked Nether Bricks cracked_nether_bricks %ID870%
Gemeißelte Netherziegel Chiseled Nether Bricks chiseled_nether_bricks %ID871%
Quarzziegel Quartz Bricks quartz_bricks %ID872%
Antiker Schrott Ancient Debris ancient_debris %ID873%
Netheritplatten Netherite Scrap netherite_scrap %ID874%
Netheritbarren Netherite Ingot netherite_ingot %ID875%
Netheritblock Netherite Block netherite_block %ID876%
Kette Chain chain %ID877%
Weinender Obsidian Crying Obsidian crying_obsidian %ID878%
Seelenanker Respawn Anchor respawn_anchor %ID879%
Leitstein Lodestone lodestone %ID880%
Pilzlicht Shroomlight shroomlight %ID881%
Zielblock Target target %ID882%
Seelenlaterne Soul Latern soul_latern %ID883%
Seelenfackel Soul Torch soul_torch %ID884%
Seelenlagerfeuer Soul Campfire soul_campfire %ID885%
Lena Raine Pigstep music_disc_pigstep %ID886%
Wirrpilzrute Warped Fungus on a Stick warped_fungus_on_a_stick %ID887%
Netherithelm Netherite_Helmet netherite_helmet %ID888%
Netheritharnisch Netherite Chestplate netherite_chestplate %ID889%
Netheritbeinschutz Netherite Leggings netherite_leggings %ID890%
Netheritstiefel Netherite Boots netherite_boots %ID891%
Netheritschaufel Netherite Shovel netherite_shovel %ID892%
Netheritspitzhacke Netherite Pickaxe netherite_pickaxe %ID893%
Netheritaxt Netherite Axe netherite_axe %ID894%
Netherithacke Netherite Hoe netherite_hoe %ID895%
Netheritschwert Netherite Sword netherite_sword %ID896%
Kleine Amethystknospe Small Amethyst Bud small_amthyst_bud %ID897%
Mittlere Amethystknospe Medium Amethyst Bud medium_amethyst_bud %ID898%
Großer Amethystknospe Large Amethyst Bud large_amethyst_bud %ID899%
Amethysthaufen Amethyst Cluster amethyst_cluster %ID900%
Amethystscherbe Amethyst Shard amethyst_shard %ID901%
Kalzit Calcite calcite %ID902%
Glatter Basalt Smooth Basalt smooth_basalt %ID903%
Amethystblock Block of Amethyst amethyst_block %ID904%
Amethystknospenblock Budding Amethyst budding_amethyst %ID905%
Leuchtbeeren Glow Berries glow_berries %ID906%
Kleines Tropfblatt Small Dripleaf small_dripleaf %ID907%
Großes Tropfblatt Big Dripleaf big_dripleaf %ID908%
Hängende Wurzeln Hanging Roots hanging_roots %ID909%
Sporenblüte Spore Blossom spore_blossom %ID910%
Moosteppich Moss Carpet moss_carpet %ID911%
Wurzelerde Rooted Dirt rooted_dirt %ID912%
Moosblock Moss Block moss_block %ID913%
Azalee Azalea azalea %ID914%
Blühende Azalee Flowering Azalea flowering_azalea %ID915%
Azaleenlaub Azalea Leaves azalea_leaves %ID916%
Blühendes Azaleenlaub Flowering Azalea Leaves flowering_azalea_leaves %ID917%
Leuchtflechte Glow Lichen glow_lichen %ID918%
Tropfsteinblock Dripstone Block dripstone_block %ID919%
Spitzer Tropfstein Pointed Dripstone pointed_dripstone %ID920%
Axolotleimer Bucket of Axolotl axolotl_bucket %ID921%
Kupferblock Copper Block copper_block %ID922%
Gewachster Kupferblock Waxed Copper Block waxed_copper_block %ID923%
Angelaufener Kupferblock Exposed Copper exposed_copper %ID924%
Gewachster angelaufener Kupferblock Waxed Exposed Copper waxed_exposed_copper %ID925%
Verwitterter Kupferblock Weathered Copper weathered_copper %ID926%
Gewachster verwitterter Kupferblock Waxed Weatherd Copper waxed_weathered_copper %ID927%
Oxidierter Kupferblock Oxidised Copper oxidized_copper %ID928%
Gewachster oxidierter Kupferblock Waxed Oxidised Copper waxed_oxidized_copper %ID929%
Geschnittener Kupferblock Cut Copper cut_copper %ID930%
Gewachster geschnittener Kupferblock Waxed Cut Copper waxed_cut_copper %ID931%
Geschnittene Kupfertreppe Cut Copper Stairs cut_copper_stairs %ID932%
Gewachste geschnittene Kupfertreppe Waxed Cut Copper Stairs waxed_cut_copper_stairs %ID933%
Geschnittene Kupferstufe Cut Copper Slab cut_copper_slab %ID934%
Gewachste geschnittene Kupferstufe Waxed Cut Copper Slab waxed_cut_copper_slab %ID935%
Angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock Exposed Cut Copper exposed_cut_copper %ID936%
Angelaufene geschnittene Kupfertreppe Exposed Cut Copper Stairs exposed_cut_copper_stairs %ID937%
Gewachste angelaufene geschnittene Kupferstufe Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab %ID938%
Angelaufene geschnittene Kupferstufe Exposed Cut Copper Slab exposed_cut_copper_slab %ID939%
Verwitterte geschnittene Kupferstufe Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab weathered_cut_copper_slab %ID940%
Verwitterter geschnittener Kupferblock Weathered Cut Copper weathered_cut_copper %ID941%
Gewachster verwitterter geschnittener Kupferblock Waxed Weathered Cut Copper waxed_weathered_cut_copper %ID942%
Verwitterte geschnittene Kupfertreppe Weathered Cut Copper Stairs weathered_cut_copper_stairs %ID943%
Gewachste verwitterte geschnittene Kupfertreppe Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs %ID944%
Gewachster angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock Waxed Exposed Cu Copper waxed_exposed_cut_copper %ID945%
Gewachste verwitterte geschnittene Kupferstufe Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab %ID946%
Oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock Oxidised Cut Copper oxidized_cut_copper %ID947%
Gewachster oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock Waxed Oxidised Cut Copper waxed_oxidized_cut_copper %ID948%
Oxidierte geschnittene Kupfertreppe Oxidised Cut Copper Stairs oxidized_cut_copper_stairs %ID949%
Gewachste oxidierte geschnittene Kupfertreppe Waxed Oxidised Cut Copper Stairs waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs %ID950%
Oxidierte geschnittene Kupferstufe Oxidised Cut Copper Slab oxidized_cut_copper_slab %ID951%
Gewachste oxidierte geschnittene Kupferstufe Waxed Oxidised Cut Copper Slab waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab %ID952%
Kupferbarren Copper Ingot copper_ingot %ID953%
Kupfererz Copper Ore copper_ore %ID954%
Tiefenschiefer-Kupfererz Deepslate Copper Ore deepslate_copper_ore %ID955%
Rohgold Raw Gold raw_gold %ID956%
Roheisen Raw Iron raw_iron %ID957%
Rohkupfer Raw Copper raw_copper %ID958%
Rohkupferblock Block of Raw Copper raw_copper_block %ID959%
Rohgoldblock Block of Raw Gold raw_gold_block %ID960%
Roheisenblock Block of Raw Iron raw_iron_block %ID961%
Tiefenschiefer-Golderz Deepslate gold Ore deepslate_gold_ore %ID962%
Tiefenschiefer-Eisenerz Deepslate Iron Ore deepslate_iron_ore %ID963%
Tiefenschiefer-Redstone-Erz Deepslate Redstone Ore deepslate_redstone_ore %ID964%
Tiefenschiefer-Smaragderz Deepslate Emerald Ore deepslate_emerald_ore %ID965%
Tiefenschiefer-Lapislazulierz Deepslate Lapis Ore deepslate_lapis_ore %ID966%
Tiefenschiefer-Diamanterz Deepslate Diamond Ore deepslate_diamond_ore %ID967%
Tiefenschiefer-Steinkohle Deepslate Coal Ore deepslate_coal_ore %ID968%
Fernrohr Spyglass spyglass %ID969%
Blitzableiter Lightning Rod lightning_rod %ID970%
Getöntes Glas Tinted Glass tinted_glass %ID971%
Tiefenschiefer Deepslate deepslate %ID972%
Bruchtiefenschiefer Cobbled Deepslate cobbled_deepslate %ID973%
Polierter Tiefenschiefer Polished deepslate polished_deepslate %ID974%
Tuffstein Tuff tuff %ID975%
Tiefenschieferziegel Deepslate Bricks deepslate_bricks %ID976%
Rissige Tiefenschieferziegel Cracked Deepslate Bricks cracked_deepslate_bricks %ID977%
Tiefenschieferfliesen Deepslate Tiles deepslate_tiles %ID978%
Rissige Tiefenschieferfliesen Cracked Deepslate Tiles cracked_deepslate_tiles %ID979%
Gemeißelter Tiefenschiefer Chiseled Deepslate chiseled_deepslate %ID980%
Bruchtiefenschiefermauer Cobbled Deepslate Wall cobbled_deepslate_wall %ID981%
Polierte Tiefenschiefermauer Polished Deepslate Wall polished_deepslate_wall %ID982%
Tiefenschieferziegelmauer Deepslate Brick Wall deepslate_brick_wall %ID983%
Tiefenschieferfliesenmauer Deepslate Tile Wall deepslate_tile_wall %ID984%
Bruchtiefenschiefertreppe Cobbled deepslate Stairs cobbled_deepslate_stairs %ID985%
Polierte Tiefenschiefertreppe Polished Deepslate Stairs polished_deepslate_stairs %ID986%
Tiefenschieferziegeltreppe Deepslate Brick Stairs deepslate_brick_stairs %ID987%
Tiefenschieferfliesentreppe Deepslate Tile Stairs deepslate_tile_stairs %ID988%
Bruchtiefenschieferstufe Cobbled Deepslate Slab cobbled_deepslate_slab %ID989%
Polierte Tiefenschieferstufe Polished Deepslate Slab polished_deepslate_slab %ID990%
Tiefenschieferziegelstufe Deepslate Brick Slab deepslate_brick_slab %ID991%
Tiefenschieferfliesenstufe Deepslate Tile Slab deepslate_tile_slab %ID992%
Befallener Tiefenschiefer Infested Deepslate infested_deepslate %ID993%
Kerze Candle candle %ID994%
Weiße Kerze White Candle white_candle %ID995%
Orange Kerze Orange Candle orange_candle %ID996%
Magenta Kerze Magenta Candle magenta_candle %ID997%
Hellblaue Kerze Light Blue Candle light_blue_candle %ID998%
Gelbe Kerze Yellow Candle yellow_candle %ID999%
Hellgrüne Kerze Lime Candle lime_candle %ID1000%
Rosa Kerze Pink Candle pink_candle %ID1001%
Graue Kerze Gray Candle gray_candle %ID1002%
Hellgraue Kerze Light Gray Candle light_gray_candle %ID1003%
Türkise Kerze Cyan Candle cyan_candle %ID1004%
Violette Kerze Purple Candle purple_candle %ID1005%
Blaue Kerze Blue Candle blue_candle %ID1006%
Braune Kerze Brown Candle brown_candle %ID1007%
Grüne Kerze Green Candle green_candle %ID1008%
Rote Kerze Red Candle red_candle %ID1009%
Schwarze Kerze Black Candle black_candle %ID1010%
Leuchttintenbeutel Glow Ink Sac glow_ink_sac %ID1011%
Leuchtrahmen Glow Item Frame glow_item_frame %ID1012%
Pulverschneeeimer Powder Snow Bucket powder_snow_bucket %ID1013%
Mangrovenholzbretter Mangrove Planks mangrove_planks %ID1014%
Mangroven-Keimling Mangrove Propagule mangrove_propagule %ID1015%
Mangrovenstamm Mangrove Log mangrove_log %ID1016%
Mangrovenwurzeln Mangrove Roots mangrove_roots %ID1017%
Schlammige Mangrovenwurzeln Muddy Mangrove Roots muddy_mangrove_roots %ID1018%
Entrindeter Mangrovenstamm Stripped Mangrove Log stripped_mangrove_log %ID1019%
Entrindetes Mangrovenholz Stripped Mangrove Wood stripped_mangrove_wood %ID1020%
Mangrovenholz Mangrove Wood mangrove_wood %ID1021%
Mangrovenlaub Mangrove Leaves mangrove_leaves %ID1022%
Mangrovenholzstufe Mangrove Slab mangrove_slab %ID1023%
Mangrovenholzzaun Mangrove Fence mangrove_fence %ID1024%
Mangrovenholztreppe Mangrove Stairs mangrove_stairs %ID1025%
Mangrovenholzknopf Mangrove Button mangrove_button %ID1026%
Mangrovenholzdruckplatte Mangrove Pressure Plate mangrove_pressure_plate %ID1027%
Mangrovenholztür Mangrove Door mangrove_door %ID1028%
Mangrovenholzfalltür Mangrove Trapdoor mangrove_trapdoor %ID1029%
Mangrovenholzzauntor Mangrove Fence Gate mangrove_fence_gate %ID1030%
Mangrovrnholzboot Mangrove Boat mangrove_boat %ID1031%
Mangrovenholztruhenboot Mangrove Chest Boat mangrove_chest_boat %ID1032%
Mangrovenholzschild Mangrove Sign mangrove_sign %ID1033%
Schlamm Mud mud %ID1034%
Schlammziegelstufe Mud Brick Slab mud_brick_slab %ID1035%
Fester Schlamm Packed Mud packed_mud %ID1036%
Schlammziegel Mud Bricks mud_bricks %ID1037%
Schlammziegeltreppe Mud Brick Stairs mud_brick_stairs %ID1038%
Schlammziegelmauer Mud Brick Wall mud_brick_wall %ID1039%
Eichenholztruhenboot Oak Chest Boat oak_chest_boat %ID1040%
Fichtenholztruhenboot Spruce Chest Boat spruce_chest_boat %ID1041%
Birkenholztruhenboot Birch Chest Boat birch_chest_boat %ID1042%
Tropenholztruhenboot Jungle Chest Boat jungle_chest_boat %ID1043%
Akazienholztruhenboot Acacia Chest Boat acacia_chest_boat %ID1044%
Schwarzeichenholztruhenboot Dark Oak Chest Boat dark_oak_chest_boat %ID1045%
Ockernes Froschlicht Ochre Froglight ochre_froglight %ID1046%
Junggrünes Froschlicht Verdant Froglight verdant_froglight %ID1047%
Perlmutternes Froschlicht Pearlescent Froglight pearlescent_froglight %ID1048%
Frochlaich Frogspawn frogspawn %ID1049%
Kaulquappeneimer Tadpole Bucket tadpole_bucket %ID1050%
Bockshorn Goat Horn goat_horn %ID1051%
Sculk Sculk sculk %ID1052%
Sculk-Ader Sculk Vein sculk_vein %ID1053%
Sculk-Kataklysator Sculk Catalyst sculk_catalyst %ID1054%
Sculk-Kreischer Sculk Shrieker sculk_shrieker %ID1055%
Sculk-Sensor Sculk Sensor sculk_sensor %ID1056%
Bergungskompass Recovery Compasst recovery_compass %ID1057%
Echoscherbe Echo Shard echo_shard %ID1058%
Plattenbruchstück Disc Fragment disc_fragment_5 %ID1059%
Gewachste angelaufene geschnittene Kupfertreppe Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs %ID1060%
Lichtblock Light light %ID1061%
Lena Raine - otherside Music Disc Otherside music_disc_otherside %ID1062%
Samuel Âberg - 5 Music Disc 5 music_disc_5 %ID1063%
Bannervorlage Blume Flower Banner Pattern flower_banner_pattern %ID1064%
Bannervorlage Crepper Ceeper Banner Pattern creeper_banner_pattern %ID1065%
Bannervorlage Schädel Skull Banner Pattern skull_banner_pattern %ID1066%
Bannervorlage Mojang-Logo Mojang Banner Pattern mojang_banner_pattern %ID1067%
Bannervorlage Globus Globe Banner Pattern globe_banner_pattern %ID1068%
Bannervorlage Schnauze Piglin Banner Pattern piglin_banner_pattern %ID1069%
Kirschsetling cherry_sapling %ID1070%
Kirschlaub cherry_leaves %ID1071%
Kirschstamm cherry_log %ID1072%
Entrindeter Kirschstamm stripped_cherry_log %ID1073%
Kirschholz cherry_wood %ID1074%
Entrindetes Kirscholz stripped_cherry_wood %ID1075%
Kirschholzbretter cherry_planks %ID1076%
Kirschholztreppe cherry_stairs %ID1077%
Kirschholzstufe cherry_slab %ID1078%
Kirschholztür cherry_door %ID1079%
Kirschholzfalltür cherry_trapdoor %ID1080%
Kirschholzzaun cherry_fence %ID1081%
Kirschholzzauntor cherry_fence_gate %ID1082%
Kirschholzdruckplatte cherry_pressure_plate %ID1083%
Kirschholzknopf cherry_button %ID1084%
Kirschholzboot cherry_boat %ID1085%
Kirschholztruhenboot cherry_chest_boat %ID1086%
Kirschholzschild cherry_sign %ID1087%
Kirschholzhängeschild cherry_hanging_sign %ID1088%
bamboo_block %ID1089%
stripped_bamboo_block %ID1090%
bamboo_planks %ID1091%
bamboo_mosaic %ID1092%
bamboo_stairs %ID1093%
bamboo_mosaic_stairs %ID1094%
bamboo_slab %ID1095%
bamboo_mosaic_slab %ID1096%
bamboo_door %ID1097%
bamboo_trapdoor %ID1098%
bamboo_fence %ID1099%
bamboo_fence_gate %ID1100%
bamboo_pressure_plate %ID1101%
bamboo_button %ID1102%
bamboo_raft %ID1103%
bamboo_chest_raft %ID1104%
bamboo_sign %ID1105%
bamboo_hanging_sign %ID1106%
oak_hanging_sign %ID1107%
spruce_hanging_sign %ID1108%
dark_oak_hanging_sign %ID1109%
birch_hanging_sign %ID1110%
jungle_hanging_sign %ID1111%
acacia_hanging_sign %ID1112%
mangrove_hanging_sign %ID1113%
crimson_hanging_sign %ID1114%
warped_hanging_sign %ID1115%
decorated_pot %ID1116%
mourner_pottery_sherd %ID1117%
danger_pottery_sherd %ID1118%
burn_pottery_sherd %ID1119%
brewer_pottery_sherd %ID1120%
skull_pottery_sherd %ID1121%
heard_pottery_sherd %ID1122%
friend_pottery_sherd %ID1123%
snort_pottery_sherd %ID1124%
sheaf_pottery_sherd %ID1125%
archer_pottery_sherd %ID1126%
howl_pottery_sherd %ID1127%
plenty_pottery_sherd %ID1128%
angler_pottery_sherd %ID1129%
heartbreak_pottery_sherd %ID1130%
arms_up_pottery_sherd %ID1131%
blade_pottery_sherd %ID1132%
explorer_pottery_sherd %ID1133%
prize_pottery_sherd %ID1134%
shelter_pottery_sherd %ID1135%
miner_pottery_sherd %ID1136%
netherite_upgrade_smithing_template %ID1137%
sentry_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1138%
vex_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1139%
ward_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1140%
coast_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1141%
dune_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1142%
eye_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1143%
rib_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1144%
shaper_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1145%
wayfinder_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1146%
raiser_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1147%
host_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1148%
silence_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1149%
snout_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1150%
wild_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1151%
spire_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1152%
tide_armor_trim_smithing_template %ID1153%
torchflower_seeds %ID1154%
torchflower %ID1155%
pink_petals %ID1156%
pitcher_pod %ID1157%
pitcher_plant %ID1158%
music_disc_relic %ID1159%
brush %ID1160%
sniffer_egg %ID1161%
piglin_head %ID1162%
calibrated_sculk_sensor %ID1163%
chiseled_bookshelf %ID1164%